The Hunter Outcome Survey (HOS) was established in 2005, in order to better understand the variability and progression of Hunter syndrome (MPS II) in the population as a whole, and to monitor and evaluate long-term treatment effects of ELAPRASE.
The HOS collected information about Hunter syndrome; the data were used to produce and disseminate information about Hunter syndrome and the long-term treatment effects of ELAPRASE outside of clinical trials.
Life-threatening anaphylactic reactions have occurred in some patients during and up to 24 hours after ELAPRASE infusions. Anaphylaxis, presenting as respiratory distress, hypoxia, hypotension, urticaria and/or angioedema of throat or tongue have been reported to occur during and after ELAPRASE infusions, regardless of duration of the course of treatment. Closely observe patients during and after ELAPRASE administration and be prepared to manage anaphylaxis.